
The “Omi Omi Omi” philosophy

To a non-Piedmontese Italian surfer, the mere name of this web site makes no sense. To a Piedmontese one, it’s less obscure, even if I doubt that he would make out what its true and deep meaning is about, without a short explanation.
First of all, let’s talk about the literal meaning of ‘Omi Omi Omi’.
It’s nothing but a dialect expression showing disappointment when: something unexpected and bad happens or something long planned and longed for goes wrong.
Actually, the real meaning, as conceived by the makers of this site and registered trademark ®, for that’s what it is, is different.

How it all began

A group of friends from Cuneo, on holiday on Como lake during the 2004 summer, chose these 3 cool words to be their motto.
After a year of hard toil and troubles, that short break meant the so much needed relaxation and escape… and discovering again and revaluing important bonds, as their friendship was and still is. All of a sudden, one of them, Vittore, caught the “Melodious” sound that those 3 words produced together if pronounced using a particular intonation of the voice, and everybody burst out laughing.
And that’s the story of the mythical origin of this motto.
It may seem ridiculous, and in a way it surely is, but it depicts something much deeper, that goes beyond the mere and strict old saying.
Vittore, who earns a living as an inventor, decided to make a logo representing this motto and to give the ownership of the registered trademark associated to it to his friends, to show his gratitude for their support through thick and thin.
(to get further information, go to )
Afterwards, this logo was printed on a few t-shirts, that that group of friends wear with pride and joy, remembering the difficulties gone by, also the struggles and the quarrels of course, but above all the inner value these words hide and treasure inside themselves, that is: the overcoming of adversities, by means of stronger values, able to get over them and our same weakness and lack of trust.
The sun has been chosen as the emblem of this ideal, because it symbolizes the optimism, the hope, the light that always rise to shine again, without a doubt, despite everything, on everything.

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